Monday, December 20, 2010

Thank You From US...

December 4th 2010 is a day that will be forever embedded in my memory. "The Sample Hour" presented by Union Specific Journey was a huge success. It was everything I imagined. The venue, the people, the music all seemed to mesh together. The only word I can use to describe it is "epic." I'm not going to get into details on how the night went down. If you were there then you already know how it went down. There are so many people who wanted to make it to this event that for whatever reason were not able to come thru. We will be doing more Sample Hour events in the near future, each of them different in their own right. With that being said, if you missed this Sample Hour, you missed a lot. Make the next one be your first. Being that it will be different from the last one, it will be my first one too.

Like I said before, I’m not going to talk about the event but, there are a few people I need to thank for their help in making “The Sample Hour” such a great success. Thank you to Kee Reynolds and Kamau Washington. Two of the most humble people you will ever meet. Once a friendship is formed, no amount of time or distance can change it. You guys are Union Specific. Thank you Cameron Bruett, Dalen Harris and Preston Collins. Brothers that I know I can always call on for any reason. WHUT! You FLY!!! You guys are Union Specific. Thank you to my sister Cecilie Bonano. Our journey has been great since the day our paths crossed. Our story is one of the best examples of the Union Specific Journey. You are Union Specific. Thank you DJ P-Funk. You saw my vision and made it reality. You put a lot of energy into finding samples, mixing the samples and creating a set around the samples. You literally rocked the house. You are Union Specific. Last but not least, I want to thank you Harold Lemons. WHUT! You FLY!!! This event, "The Sample Hour," was not my idea alone. Actually, if it weren't for you, "The Sample Hour" would have never happened. It all started on Grove St. The circumstances as to why you couldn't be there were way beyond our control. All the steps of our journey are already planned by a power higher than US. All of our journeys will eventually come to an end. Until then, we will live big. Since day one, you are Union Specific.......

Thursday, November 18, 2010

"The Sample Hour" (Revisited)

In two weeks, one of the dopest events I have ever been a part of is going down, "The Sample Hour". It is in Washington D.C. at Queen Makeda Lounge located at 1917 9th St NW (bet N T St & N Florida Ave) 20001. Every time I write about this event I refer to it as epic. "This is going to be an epic event," or "This is one not to be missed." When I say that, I really mean it. I don't think you guys are really ready for what’s going down that night. Let me give you a little insight.

For starters, "The Sample Hour" isn't just about the music. This is a coming out event, an introduction for Union Specific Journey. So it's about US and our Union Specific Journey. See, there will be people there from all over the country, California, Minnesota, Georgia, Michigan, Florida & New York just to name a few places. This event is about US sampling each other (not in dirty way you perv). Different faces from different places all on different journeys. The event, "The Sample Hour," is a venue for US to come together and get to know one another. To find out what we have in common, to make connections with people you never knew existed, to prove that the equation You + Me = US is a reality. I can’t wait to see it come together!

Now to the music. The music is the inspiration behind this event. Listening to the Old School music that night in the backyard with Siks 9 was an experience in itself. I mean listening this music, and in its original form was already masterfully crafted. Then you get to a part in the song and say to yourself, "Wait a minute, I heard this somewhere!" Then it all comes together and you realize that one of your favorite Hip Hop songs was created using that little snippet of this Old School song. Amazing! The night of "The Sample Hour" expect to be overwhelmingly satisfied with how tastefully the music is put together. DJ P-Funk has been working so hard on this set. Being that Dec 4th is Jay-Z's birthday, there will be a special emphasis on the Old School music he sampled throughout his career that helped to solidify him as one of Hip Hop's greatest. The sound will be on point and the blend of the sample and the original will be precise. By the time the event is over, you will want to buy a cd of the music played that night. It’s gonna be that good!

As the buzz builds around this event for the next two weeks, I will be getting more and more excited. So never mind me if I go in on facebook or twitter and "The Sample Hour" is all I talk about. As a matter of fact, do mind me and make it your business to be in D.C. Dec 4th. This event is going to be talked about for a while. This event will be epic, one not to be missed.

"The Sample Hour" presented by Union Specific Journey.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Thank God For The Dreamer...

Do you ever dream? What do you dream about? I'm not talking about the dreams you have when you are sleeping. I'm talking about dreams to do something with your life or dreams to be some where at a certain point in your life. Dreams of accomplishment, dreams of prominence. Have you given up on those dreams? Why? Do they seem unreachable at this point in your life? Do they seem so far out there that you feel they are unrealistic to attain? If you tell them to people do they give you that "you are crazy" look and tell you that you're foolish and that it will never happen? There is a quote by Peter Reece that I want you guys to remember. "Dreams are only foolish to those who lack them." What makes your dream so crazy or outlandish? If it wasn't for dreams we as a human society would not be where we are today. No cars, no electricity, no phone, no television, no stove, no bicycle, no train, no Ipod etc etc etc... It all started with a dream. Thank God for the dreamers!!!

Here's another quote that I know you have heard at some point in your life. "Better late than never." For the past couple of years that has been one of my favorite quotes. I have always been a dreamer. When I say always, I mean always! I have had so many dreams that I can't even count them all. I had dreams of being doctor, teacher, football player, basketball player, firefighter and even a cop. I had dreams of being a rapper, an actor, producer, poet, writer, clothing designer and business owner. I'm gonna stop there because we could be here for a while if I don't. With the exception of a few of those none of them are too late for me to accomplish. So one day I asked myself, "self, what is it that you really want to do?" I then narrowed down that list. I want to be a business owner/clothing designer. I’m talking a legit business. Not getting a couple of t-shirts with my logo on them hustling them on the streets. Also a writer/poet/rapper. I've been writing raps since that 7th grade and I love doing it so why stop loving it now. In fact I'm working on an album right now. Do you know what the name of it is? Its called "Its Better Late Than Never". You know what the name of the first single is called? Its called "Its Better Late Than Never" Here's a couple of bars from the first verse.

Hello my name is Trevor and on this endeavor
I'm here to tell you that Its Better Late Than Never
Never give up on a dream, Never give up when it seems
Your life is at a light that Never wants to turn green
You better mash on the gas and smell the rubber burn
Throw that bitch into 3rd like there's Never another turn
Peel off and leave skid marks, yeah I know the road is dark
But now at least you're moving Never live your life in park
So this marks the start of what I'm destined to do
I have to go get em, no more resting my dude

That's just a snippet people, it only gets better from there. Here's the bottom line. I am living my dreams. Union Specific Journey is my dream. The clothing line that's coming, the blog, the rhymes, the parties are all Union Specific and are my dreams that are now my reality. I'm putting it out there for the world to see. The past was full of mistakes, set backs, aggravation, let downs and disappointment. I let that stop me from completing my dreams. I would start one thing then stop. I would jump on wagon and without even staying for the ride I would jump off. Not this time. I'm riding the Union Specific Journey wagon until the wheels fall off! Nothing is stopping it. And if you have dreams that you have always wanted to follow, start following them now! Don't doubt yourself and don't let other people stop you. If they tell you to keep dreaming, you say "no problem." Hey, Its Better Late Than Never... US

Monday, September 27, 2010

Party With US...

December 4th 2010 “The Sample Hour”

So… A couple of weeks ago my man, Siks 9 aka Harold (US), came through to chill. I picked him up at the light rail. I had to make a store run for something to sip on. On the way to the store we began talking. I asked him if he had heard the new Roots cd. His reply was no and that he had only been listening to old school music. So I was like, no doubt, I had been getting my old school Hip Hop fix in also. He said to me no, real old school music. Old school as in our parents music. I said ok I feel you, play some so I can hear what you have been rocking to. He plugged his iPhone into the jack and this journey began.

He played song after song after song. I’m talking about James Brown, Bob James, George Clinton, Lynn Collins, Isaac Hayes, Curtis Mayfield, Roy Ayers, and so many others. Every song he played had one thing in common. Each song had been sampled, some heavily, by Hip Hop. It was just incredible to me! We got back to the house and I threw some food on the grill. We grabbed some drinks and sat out in the backyard for hours listening to these songs. We called P-Collino aka Preston (US) and had him on speakerphone because we knew he would love the music. He has been on is old school listening kick for a long time and his collection of old school music is so extensive. We listened not just for the great music, but for the sample. We listened for the piece of the song where Hip Hop producers got their inspiration to make a beat. Some call it stealing or borrowing or lack of originality. We in the Hip Hop world call it sampling. It is an art form that is far from “lack of originality.” In fact it’s just the opposite. For a producer to take a piece of a song, some pieces no longer than five seconds, and turn it into a completely different beat with a completely different feel is very original. At least it is to me.

As we sat back there listening to these songs I began thinking of how US this was. I said to Siks, we need to do something on a large scale to show how Union Specific this was. I said to him we should have an event/party to highlight how relevant these old school songs are to Hip Hop and US. Some of these songs I have never heard before, and I know you haven't either, but as soon as I heard the sampled part I knew which Hip Hop artist used it, the name of the song it was used on, which album it was used on and the year it came out. I decided then and there that this had to go down. Sik 9 and P-Collino was down. All that was left to do was put the rest of the puzzle together. If my life is a puzzle, where do you fit in?

I will have complete details for the party as we get a little closer to the date. Save the date and make travel plans. D.C., December 4th,"The Sample Hour" Thanks to my man Kee(US) for putting me in touch with the right people out there.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Children in US...

A new school year, so many Specific Unions start here. There are Unions between students and teachers, parents and teachers and even between parents and parents. All of these Unions are Specific in their own way. I could go and get deep about any one of those Unions. I’m not going to go there though. I will leave that up to you guys. You can comment about that if you want. One bond however, is just so Union Specific that I had to write about it. It’s the bond these kids form with each other. Union Specific…

The Children in US...
My son’s first day of school was Wednesday, Sept 8th. The night before he was so restless. You should have seen him. I’m talking about he couldn't even sleep. The excitement was building. Just knowing that the next day he was going to see the friends he formed bonds with the year before. Not to mention the new friend he was going to make. He couldn't wait. He wakes up the next day before his alarm even goes off and is ready to go. He has his breakfast and is dressed about 45 minutes before it time to leave. He sits on his bed, so anxious, holding his book bag in his arms as he watches TV. You can tell he's not really watching TV though. He is really watching the clock and counting down the seconds before it is time to go. Finally it’s time to go and he is out the door in a flash. He is the first one in the car, seatbelt fastened and tray table in upright and locked position. We get to the school and there are kids everywhere! They are so happy to see each other. You can tell that they have all be waiting for this day for a while. The day they see their friends again. It’s crazy, these kids don’t even know it yet but the friends they make now can possibly be with them for the rest of their life. These same friends will affect the choices they make and how they will get along in the world. This is where US begins.

How exciting is the first day of school?! As we get older we forget we lose sight of the simple things. As I stood in the schoolyard that day, it all came back to me. I forgot what it was like to see a friend for the first time after a long hot summer. I forgot how significant these bonds are, and how long they can last. I still have friends now from kindergarten. You might think “Kindergarten?! How can you possibly still consider yourselves friends. You haven’t spoken in years!” My thing is that if you are friends, then days, weeks, months & even years can go by and you can pick up like you just spoke to them yesterday. I believe that’s how these kids felt. They feel they will be friends forever. I thought about it and that’s how I felt when I was their age. I thought about it some more and that’s still how I feel now. Once a friend, always a friend. That’s what makes US. I just hope that as these kids get older, they never lose sight of that. The friends that they make now is the purest form of what makes US…

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Forget About Yesterday...

Yesterday has no bearing on what tomorrow has to bring
And if tomorrow never comes then today is everything
Yesterday is done and tomorrow is today
Live your now to the fullest and… Forget About Yesterday
Today is now so live it and bask in all its glory
Don’t let yesterdays struggle become tomorrows story
If you want to change your life then you have to start today
Because tomorrow never comes and… Forget About Yesterday

There you have it people. That is my Mantra. I wake up every morning at 5:30am and say it to myself about three times before I even get out of bed. Then once I get out of bed I say it to myself as I brush my teeth, wash my face, iron my clothes, and get dressed. I say it one last time before I open the door to leave my house. Once I walk out the door I know that whatever happened to me yesterday will have no effect on the outcome of today. It is a new start. The reset button has been pressed and I’m about to start a new level in the game. Take it to the next level! That is what today is. Today is your opportunity to take your life to the next level.

Now when I say forget about yesterday, I don’t mean leave it all behind! Not at all. What I mean is don’t focus on the things that you have no control over. If you made a good connection with someone yesterday, build on it today. If you started a project yesterday, build on it today. Don't dwell on the let downs and mistakes of yesterday. You should have dealt with the let's downs and mistakes yesterday. You should have learned from them and made your adjustments yesterday so that today you know how to make it right.

“Yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery.” A friend of mine posted that as a comment on facebook to one of my posts. And she is right. Yesterday is in the books, meaning its done and you can write it up. Now tomorrow on the other hand... Well who knows what tomorrow has to bring? Who knows if you will make to see tomorrow? Here's my real question. Is there really a tomorrow? What if you never went to sleep? Wouldn't it be just one long continuous day? I look at sleep as a break in one long continuous day. I hear people say I will start working out tomorrow or I will start that book tomorrow or I will start looking for that new job tomorrow. Or in my case I will get my license tomorrow. Then their tomorrow comes and its the same thing all over again, I will do it tomorrow, and nothing get done.

Someone once said "I love you more today than I did yesterday and will love you more tomorrow than I do today.” I really like that quote but I think it could have ended after the first part. I love you more today than I did yesterday because to me, there is no tomorrow. There is only today. You can only live life today because it is happening right now. Breathing today, connections today, being present at all times today, kissing your kids today, telling your wife/husband you love them today. How can you possibly live your tomorrow today? It doesn't work that way.

Live For Today. That is a saying I see written in graffiti everyday as I ride the P.A.T.H. train to the city and when I come home. It reminds me that today is all I have. If for some reason today is my last day I need to make it my best day. Don't take today for granted people.

Live for today and… Forget About Yesterday...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Some Things Are Just Meant To Be...

I don’t believe in the "right place, right time" or "wrong place, wrong time" theories. I think it’s all predestined. Every thought & every step is already planned before we thought it or took the step. So, if you meet a complete stranger and you guys happen to make a connection, don't think “right place, right time.” On the other hand think “this was meant to be.”

Check this out…
About nine years ago, I put together a ski trip to promote my first clothing line PanaDom. I will never forget this. It was early March and I was living in Brooklyn at the time. I wasn’t able to fill the bus but I got a handful of people to go. We had a blast! Kwanda was with me of course. My peoples P-Collino(Preston) , Scam(Cam), & Blast(Brandon) were with me. Kwanda's old roommate Melissa & her man, and my boy Adu & his girl were also there. P-Collino, Scam, Blast & myself bought a lot of liquor. I am talking about a duffle bag full of liquor and another smaller duffle bag full of ice. We were ready to party! As I mentioned earlier, I wasn’t able to sell out the bus so we had to share the bus with about two other groups. So needless to say when we got on the bus there were already people on it. When we get on the bus we head straight to back which was a good look for US because it was empty for the most part. We locked down the last three rows of the bus. There was a couple that was in the two seats right before the bathroom. They didn’t look too happy. Straight faces, no smiles. Well… not on her face anyway. The guy looked pretty happy to see US. We get situated and were ready to start this party right! We break out the bottles and the cups and pour our drinks. Right before we toast we realize something is missing. That’s right people… THE MUSIC!!! You can’t have a party with no music. We look around and guess who has the music. The couple in the two seats in front of the bathroom have the music. So me being the man that I am made the guy an offer he couldn’t refuse. He can drink with US for free for the usage of his radio. His girl still didn’t look happy but him, fagetaboutit! Union Specific.

The guys name is MD(Mike) and by the time we got to the hotel, you would think that he came there with US. His girl was just miserable. After they checked in he left her in the room and hung out with US for the whole weekend! I didn’t see her again until we got back on the bus to go home. As a matter of fact he broke up with here shortly after the trip. She was no fun. MD and I kept in touch after that weekend. It turns out he was from Far Rockaway Queens which was only about a 15-20 minute drive from my house in Brooklyn. We started hanging out. I met family. He met my family as well as Kwanda's family. We became really cool friends and eventually we were like family. About two years passed and Kwanda got pregnant. Guess who is one of my sons Godfathers… That right! MD… From the moment we met on the that ski trip up until now we have been US. I didn’t know why at the time we met but I get it now! Some things are just meant to be...

MD + ME = US.....

Saturday, August 14, 2010

What is it about US?

Our Journey together is off to a great start! I have received a lot of great comments, feedback & support for Union Specific. Your enthusiasm toward it is great. It has been two weeks guys, and the response is exactly what I expected. Thank you!

We all know this journey is as much about YOU as it is about ME (YOU + ME = US). Don’t forget that. It’s all about US! But I want to pose this question… What is it about US? What is it about who we are that defines the connections we make in life? What is it about our character that touches people’s lives and makes them want to stay around US? (Yeah, I know that’s 3 questions, but they are all the same just asked differently.) The answer to these questions is the essence of US. With me, I do my best to be genuine and honest at all times with everyone I meet. I am myself no matter where I am or who I am around. That’s the only way I know how to be. If I acted any other way, we would not be here today. I would not have met any of the people in my life now. Wait… Maybe we would have met but that would have been it. There would have been nothing else after that. You would have immediately picked up on the fact I was not authentic. I know all of you at one time or anotherin life have experienced “fake.” Fake just has a whole different feeling. Fake leaves this nasty taste in your mouth. There can never be US if you are fake or not true to yourself. Russell Simmons says it like this; “Truth rings a bell that the whole world can hear. Truth is something that doesn’t know race or class or languages or borders. It’s something that connects all humanity. No matter who you are or where you live, you can always FEEL the truth”. So let the truth be told people! Let’s get Specific. We all have certain character traits which connect US.

What is it about US?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

And So Our Journey Begins...

If my life is a puzzle, where do you fit in?

That pretty much sums up Union Specific (US). What piece of my puzzle are you? What piece of your puzzle am I? Have you ever met a random person, be it by accident or through a friend, and that person has been in your life ever since? That person was brought into your life for one of two reasons. Either to bring joy or pain into your life. Anyway you look at it that Union is Specific. They are meant to be there. There is really no way to know why your sisters or brothers or cousins are who they are or what role they play in your life. You can't pick them. They just are and that Union is Specific. Don't get caught up in trying to figure out why these people have crossed your path. There is no explanation to life but it must be lived. The most important part is that you enjoy the good people in your life and learn from the bad people in your life in your short time on this Earth...

Here is an example Union Specific...
Picture this… One Saturday afternoon in December there is a guy in his crib chillin with his homie. Tanqueray and tonic, Bacardi & Coke fill their glasses. Smoke fills the air. Lovely beats to bless the ears. Over the music they begin to discuss plans for the night. So many spots… Which one to choose?

Meanwhile, on the other side of town…
A lovely young lady is out with a group of girlfriends having dinner. They are having a great time talking and drinking wine when the young lady gets a call on her cell. It’s her other group of girlfriends on the other end. They are going out later that night… Where?

It’s all about US… Union Specific. One man, one woman, in two different worlds. Neither of them knows the other exist. Later that night their paths will cross and their lives would never be the same. Their Union is Specific. Do you get now? Those to people were meant to meet. Why? I don't know but two years later we got married and now 10 years later we are still together. That's how Union Specific (US) works. I have hundreds of stories of US, I'm sure you do too. Let's share them. You never know who knows who, and how one Union relates to another. The world is such a small place, lets make it a little bit smaller...

Peace Out...