Monday, December 20, 2010

Thank You From US...

December 4th 2010 is a day that will be forever embedded in my memory. "The Sample Hour" presented by Union Specific Journey was a huge success. It was everything I imagined. The venue, the people, the music all seemed to mesh together. The only word I can use to describe it is "epic." I'm not going to get into details on how the night went down. If you were there then you already know how it went down. There are so many people who wanted to make it to this event that for whatever reason were not able to come thru. We will be doing more Sample Hour events in the near future, each of them different in their own right. With that being said, if you missed this Sample Hour, you missed a lot. Make the next one be your first. Being that it will be different from the last one, it will be my first one too.

Like I said before, I’m not going to talk about the event but, there are a few people I need to thank for their help in making “The Sample Hour” such a great success. Thank you to Kee Reynolds and Kamau Washington. Two of the most humble people you will ever meet. Once a friendship is formed, no amount of time or distance can change it. You guys are Union Specific. Thank you Cameron Bruett, Dalen Harris and Preston Collins. Brothers that I know I can always call on for any reason. WHUT! You FLY!!! You guys are Union Specific. Thank you to my sister Cecilie Bonano. Our journey has been great since the day our paths crossed. Our story is one of the best examples of the Union Specific Journey. You are Union Specific. Thank you DJ P-Funk. You saw my vision and made it reality. You put a lot of energy into finding samples, mixing the samples and creating a set around the samples. You literally rocked the house. You are Union Specific. Last but not least, I want to thank you Harold Lemons. WHUT! You FLY!!! This event, "The Sample Hour," was not my idea alone. Actually, if it weren't for you, "The Sample Hour" would have never happened. It all started on Grove St. The circumstances as to why you couldn't be there were way beyond our control. All the steps of our journey are already planned by a power higher than US. All of our journeys will eventually come to an end. Until then, we will live big. Since day one, you are Union Specific.......