Thursday, June 23, 2011


So… I have been getting asked by a lot of people what does "MOVE!!!" mean and why do I say it at the end of almost all of my Facebook and Twitter posts. Is it an acronym? Is it a secret code? What is "MOVE!!!"? Well here is what "MOVE!!!" is. I use it as a motivational statement for those who are tired of being polite and getting no where. It is for all of the people who are tired of saying "excuse me" to the people in their way. The people who are blocking US from achieving our goals. That was me; the polite person with aspirations. I thought I was making moves then someone or something got in my way. I would say "excuse me" and wait patiently for the path to clear. Sometimes it would move but it took its sweet time. Other times it wouldn't move at all! I would get so frustrated that I would give up and think that the path would never clear for me to pursue my dreams. Well it took me some time but I finally got tired of waiting and giving up. I'm tired of saying "excuse me"! MOVE!!! Get out of my way! I'm almost there and you are blocking my path! MOVE!!!

I also use "MOVE!!!" as motivation to myself. You can use it too. "MOVE!!!" Get your ass up and do something with yourself. With so much going on and all that I want to accomplish, I have to remind myself that constant movement is one of the main keys to my success. Sitting around doing nothing is not going to get me anywhere. You will never be successful waiting around for it to come to you. That's just not how it works. MOVE!!! Go get it, make things happen. When you move precisely with focus and determination big things happen. MOVE!!!

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